Breaking Hearts (Full Hearts #4) Read online

  Breaking Hearts

  MJ Summers


  Title Page


  Also Available


  Author’s Note
















































  Secret Scenes Giveaway

  Also by MJ Summers

  About the Author


  Copyright © 2015 by Gretz Corp.

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Gretz Corp.

  First edition

  ISBN 978-0-9921422-4-7

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  October 2015

  Also Available

  Break in Two (Full Hearts Book One)

  Don’t Let Go (A Full Hearts Novella) – Prequel to Breaking Love – E-book only

  Breaking Love (Full Hearts Book Two)

  Letting Go (A Full Hearts Novella) – Prequel to Breaking Clear – a FREE downloadable E-book

  Breaking Clear (Full Hearts Book Three)

  Breaking Hearts (Full Hearts Book Four)

  The Full Hearts Series has more than one possible reading combination for your enjoyment. Each book can be read as a stand-alone (i.e. NO cliff-hangers) but each book also has at least one character linked to another book in the series.

  BEST Reading Order: Entire Series as listed above


  If Cowboys Aren’t Your Thing: Breaking Love, Letting Go, Breaking Clear


  Breaking Love, Breaking Clear


  If You ONLY Love Cowboys: Break in Two, Breaking Hearts


  Don’t Let Go, Break in Two, Breaking Hearts


  For my big sister, who taught me to read and who can make me laugh until my ribs hurt and my dignity is a long-forgotten concept.

  For my Aunt Kathy, who taught me what compassion looks like and what it can do.

  Love you both.

  Author’s Note

  Dear Reader,

  When Break in Two came out, I was asked over and over about what happens to Trey, Gabriela and their little boy. At that time, I didn’t actually know what would come of them, but I knew I would have to figure it out. So after two years, here is their story.

  It’s about redemption and tragedy, falling in love and falling apart. It’s about making mistakes and learning to forgive yourself, it’s about learning what being a parent really means. It’s about choosing between chasing your dreams and following your heart, when the two aren’t taking you in the same direction.

  The story is set in Brazil, for the most part. Brazil is a place I’ve always longed to go. The people I’ve met from this vast and beautiful country are full of kindness and fun. Preparing to write Breaking Hearts, I needed to research both Brazil and bull riding. I was incredibly fortunate to come across two lawyers (Adler Martins and Homer Carvalho), one former bull rider turned bulling riding agent (Shawn Weise), two journalists (Bill Hinchberger and Marcelo Teixeira) and one very special avid reader/English teacher (Cyssah Oliver), all of whom gave me hours of their time. Thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and eagerness to assist me in ensuring that Trey and Gabriela’s story is rich in detail.

  For those of you who have read my other books, especially Break in Two, this one takes a little longer to get to the steamy stuff—but when you get there—yum. I hope you enjoy it!

  All the best to you and yours,



  San Diego, California

  “Alright! Let ’er rip!” Trey Johnson called, letting a sexy grin peek out from under his black cowboy hat. He was perched on top of a large brown mechanical bull that sat just off the dance floor at Spurs ’n’ Suds, the biggest country bar in San Diego. It was the go-to place for those who wanted to let down their hair and kick up their heels, where every night the music was loud, the beer was cold and the waitresses were hot. Short skirts and dangerously low-cut tops drew fat tips as the staff served their rowdy patrons greasy burgers with a side of wishful thinking.

  “Save a Horse” burst out over the speakers as soon as the bull began turning, bucking forward and back in a pattern that Trey knew like the back of his hand. Pointing to a cute girl standing nearby, he gave her a wink and mouthed, “For you!” before getting down to business. He and the DJ, Clark, performed their usual routine. Clark started the bull slow, increasing its speed every few seconds as he got the crowd worked up.

  Clark cut the music. “Trey bet me he’s gonna stay on that bull for a full minute tonight! If he can’t do it, there’s a free round for everyone, on him!” The crowd roared as the possibility was dangled in front of them, drowning out the guitars as the music resumed. By the end of the minute, it was clear that the women were so impressed they had all but forgotten the free drink. Their cheers had turned to loud screams as Trey let go of the rope on the bull, leaping off with style and landing on an air mattress below. Jumping to his feet, he flipped off his hat and gave a quick bow before exiting the ring.

  “There you have it, folks! One of the best mechanical bull riders ever to have lived in the great state of California! Trey Johnson!” Clark shouted into the microphone. “And if you thought he was good on that bull, you should see him mix drinks. He’ll be over at the main bar for the rest of the night . . . And ladies, he’s single!”

  The whoops of the female patrons were deafening as Trey made his way across the crowded room. He hoisted his lean, muscular body up, then slid over the counter, landing behind the bar.

  “Who’s thirsty?” Trey yelled. He stood for a moment in his cocky glory, letting a line form before taking the first order. The tips would be sweet tonight. As a rule, the money was good on Fridays, but tonight the bar was more packed than usual, and he knew he’d put on one hell of a good show. He was the epitome of the carefree, fearless fun that the patrons had come to find.

  * * *

  An hour later, Trey sat in the staff room, as big a contrast to the bar itself as you could get. Other than the muffled sound of the music, the hum of the fluorescent lights above was the most noticeable noise. His laptop an
d economics textbook were on the table in front of him as he squeezed in fifteen minutes to study for his last-ever university exam. Taking off his cowboy hat, he tossed it on the chair to his left and raked his hands through his short, sandy-brown hair.

  Music invaded the room for a moment as the door swung open, revealing Tiffany, a blond bombshell of a waitress who had transplanted herself from Texas a year ago. “Hey, sugar!”

  Trey glanced up, giving her a quick smile. “Hey yourself.”

  Coins being deposited in the vending machine indicated that Tiffany was making her late-evening dinner choice.

  “Good night out there. I think I’ve pulled in at least two hundred already, and it’s only eleven.”

  “Yeah, I think spring fever has hit,” Trey answered absentmindedly as he scanned a spreadsheet for the value he needed.

  A bag of chips hit his keyboard, then slid onto his lap.

  “For the starving student,” Tiffany said, dropping onto the couch. She yanked off her red cowboy boots with a little groan and put her feet up on the ancient coffee table.

  “Aw, thanks, Tiff. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Didn’t do it to be nice. Now I can tell the other girls I had dinner with you. They’ll all be real jealous.” She opened her own bag, selecting a chip then biting into it as she studied Trey for a moment. “It’s hard to know who you are, Trey Johnson. Out there, you’ve got that whole cocky cowboy thing going on, but in here, you’re kind of a nerd.”

  “Can’t I be both?” he asked with a grin, opening the snack she had given him.

  “I guess so. I’ve just never seen anyone so determined. I’m dying to see what you’re like when you let loose. Come out with us tonight after work. We’re going to the beach to party and watch the sunrise.”

  “Wish I could.” Trey dropped the chip that was halfway to his mouth back into the bag as his eyes finally found the number he’d been searching for on the chart. “There you are,” he muttered.

  “The girls and I have bets going about you. About why you never take anyone home, even though we’re all shameless as far as you’re concerned. Angie thinks you’re gay, maybe, but I don’t think that’s it.”

  Trey looked up from his laptop with a little laugh. “Nope. Angie’s wrong there. There’s no real mystery, though. I’m what you call goal-oriented. I need to get my degree as soon as possible so I can get on with making some real money.”

  “Oh, there’s a mystery to you and everybody knows it. Nobody spends three years busting their ass and never answering a booty call unless there’s something behind it.”

  Trey considered her words for a moment then plucked his cellphone off the table. Opening the photo album, he tossed the phone to her. “He’s what’s behind it.”

  Tiffany caught the phone awkwardly with one hand after it bounced onto the couch beside her. Her mouth dropped open in surprise as she stared at the photo.

  “My son, Tomas. He lives in Brazil. If he’s not a big enough reason to stay on task, I don’t know what would be.”

  “Yeah,” Tiffany agreed, clearly shocked. “He’s adorable.”

  “Yup. And he deserves a dad who can support him, not some deadbeat who’s out looking to bang a new chick every weekend.”

  Trey packed his things into his backpack, then stowed it in his locker. “Better get back at it. See you out there.” He took the phone on his way out. “Thanks for the chips, Tiff. You’re a good friend.”


  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  “Mmm, just look at you. You’re perfection.”

  The deep voice of Joel Salles interrupted Gabriela’s sunbathing. She lifted her head and smiled over her shoulder in time to see him set his gaze on her body. He reminded her of a lion about to pounce on his prey. Gabriela was stretched out on her stomach, completely nude, on a poolside chaise at Joel’s estate. The sun shone down on her silky olive skin as she soaked up its warmth along with his compliment.

  “You’re home early,” she replied, basking in his appreciative look.

  Joel dropped his cellphone on the table beside her and unbuttoned his dress shirt. He then picked up a bottle of suntan oil, squirting some into his palm before propping himself on her chair with one knee between her ankles. He spread the oil onto both hands before rubbing them along the backs of her calves, then up and down her legs. “How can I stay on the set knowing you are here at my home, exactly like this?”

  “Oh no, I shouldn’t have sent you that photo earlier.” Her words were utterly insincere. “I guess I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Of course you were thinking, Gabriela. You’re always thinking. For another man, that would be very dangerous, but not for me,” he said, pouring more oil into his hands. “I know how to handle a woman like you. Besides, you knew the crew would be fine without me for the rest of the day.”

  “This is true,” she agreed, feeling his hands work their way up her thighs. “You do know how to handle me. I was also sure they could film without you there for a while. What do movie producers even do, anyway?” she teased, propping herself up on her elbows and turning her head to look back at him. She smiled into his deep brown eyes, fully loving the feeling of his hands rubbing her bottom.

  “Let me show you,” he replied, letting his thumbs wander down her crevice and into her warm sex. Gabriela shuddered in delight.

  Joel was a man who knew what he was doing. He was the perfect catch for Gabriela—rich, sexy and exciting. She had been staying at his beach house just outside Rio for the past six weeks, hoping that this time away from her son, Tomas, would pay off. If she could secure her position as a permanent fixture in Joel’s life, she would be able to give her son the father she wanted for him. Joel didn’t mind that she had a child and, in fact, had been very good with Tomas during the brief times they had all spent together. She knew he wouldn’t likely be all that involved in raising her child, but he would be able to provide them with every luxury, and Tomas with every opportunity.

  This goal had allowed Gabriela to push aside any feelings of guilt that kept her from missing her little boy too much each time she left him. She knew it would all be worth it in the end. Besides, Tomas had just turned three. He was so little he would quickly forget these weeks in which he’d been left alone with the nanny.

  Joel worked his thumbs in between her upper thighs, rubbing in slow circles until Gabriela let out a quiet moan. “Let’s take this to the bedroom. The gardeners just got here.”

  “I’m all yours.” Gabriela sighed happily as he moved his hands back down her legs and got to his feet. She stood and pulled her robe on, kissing Joel softly on the lips as she tied the sash around her waist. Joel gave the robe a little tug to bring her to him, kissing her neck and letting his hand travel into the opening of her robe. His fingers dragged over her nipple, finding it already pert.

  “You are all mine. And I intend to keep you all to myself.”


  “Yes, I think I do.” Joel looked into her eyes, taking his hand out of her robe and straightening it for her. They laced their fingers together as they walked into the house. Cool air greeted them as Joel shut the patio door and they made their way across the expansive kitchen to the stairs.

  “Will the filming still finish by Friday? I have everything set for the wrap party, but the caterer needs the hard date by tomorrow morning,” Gabriela said as they ascended the staircase.

  “Yes, we’re still set for Friday. Thank you for taking care of that for me, by the way. You have the makings of the perfect producer’s wife.”

  “I hope you’re not just figuring that out now. I would hate to think you are little more than a handsome face.”

  Joel laughed. “You always keep me on my toes. It’s one of the things I love about you. That, and how sexy you are.”

  “Go on.” Gabriela pursed her lips into a smile.

  “You’re very beautiful, you know how to dress and how to host, you never get star-struck or say the wrong t
hings. Plus, you’re like an animal in bed,” Joel replied, tugging his shirt off as they passed through the double doors to the master suite.

  Gabriela tugged on the sash of her robe, opening it and letting it fall to the floor. She crossed the large room to the king bed and crawled onto it on all fours, turning her head to look back at him. “You mean like this?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean,” Joel answered with a smirk.

  São Paulo, Brazil

  Alessandra Santos stood at the kitchen sink washing dishes. She had just gotten little Tomas, her charge, down for his afternoon nap. He had a bad cold, and his nose was so stuffed up that sleep had been extremely difficult for him the past few nights, leaving him cranky and Alessandra very tired. She thought of everything she still needed to do that day, but her soft pillow called to her relentlessly. She decided to finish the lunch dishes quickly so she could go lie down for a couple of hours.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone. Drying her hands, she answered the call.

  “Alessa? It’s Gabriela. I’m calling to check on my little darling.”

  “Olá, he’s still got that cold, Gabriela. He’s really not feeling well. His fever is down today but he is horribly overtired. I just got him down for a nap.”

  “My poor sweetie,” Gabriela said into the phone. There was a pause, then she called, “Não! Don’t put those over there. The drinks are all going to be served by the pool and I want a table set up with the glasses by the bar outside.” Pause. “Fora! Outside, by the pool. Yes. All of them.”

  Gabriela sighed and then spoke into the phone again. “Listen, Alessa, I think this is it. Joel and I are hosting the wrap party for the movie and I think he is going to ask me to marry him tonight. He’s been hinting at it all week. I wanted to see if you could move to Rio for a few months to take care of Tomas while I’m getting ready for the wedding. There is no way that I’ll be able to manage him alone when I’m so busy.”