Breaking Clear (Full Hearts Series Book 3) Read online

Page 15

  “Really?” Megan wrinkled up her nose. “You’re sure neither of you is going to start thinking about a future together?”

  “No. Not a chance. We’re both being adult about it.” Harper glanced down at her friend’s hand, seeing a shiny rock where there had been nothing before. She gasped, grabbing Megan’s hand with hers. “Oh my God. Is that what I think it is?”

  Megan nodded, eyes suddenly shining with excitement. “It is. But we were talking about you.”

  “Forget me! I need details! Now!”

  “Okay, good. Because I was about to burst if I couldn’t tell you soon!” Megan laughed. “It was a total surprise. We had agreed a long time ago that the whole wedding thing really didn’t matter to either of us, but Luc just decided he wanted to make it official. Last Saturday he took Elliott out for a few hours. I thought they were going to the playground, but really Luc took him for lunch to ask him if he would be happy if we got married. I guess Elliott jumped up from his seat and ran to Luc for a hug. I wish I had seen it. Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes.” Megan fanned at her eyes for a moment. “Okay, anyway, after lunch, he brought Elliott with him to help pick out a ring.”

  “Oh, that Luc. In all the years I’ve known him, I didn’t think he had it in him.”

  “And yet he does,” Megan said. “So, he had this whole plan to get my mom to babysit so he could take me out for a fancy dinner, but he realized that he wanted the kids there to share in the moment. So instead, he stopped at the bakery on the way home and had them write ‘Will you marry me?’ on a carrot cake.”

  “Your favourite dessert. Aww. Very sweet!”

  “I know. When they got home, I was a total wreck, still in my pyjamas, passed out on a lounge chair in the yard with the baby. I probably had drool hanging from my mouth. He and Elliott came outside with this box from the bakery, and Elliott says, ‘Mom, can we have dessert before supper tonight?’ and I said, ‘No, I might be tired but I’m still the same mom you’ve always had.’ But then I see this grin on his face, and I look at Luc and he is so excited he can hardly stand still. So I asked them what was going on.”

  “Oh, I wish this was all on video because I would kill to see it!”

  “I’m glad it isn’t. I was super gross that day,” Megan said quickly. “So, then Luc says, ‘Just take a look at the dessert. I think you’ll like it.’ He gives Elliott this little nod and Elliott opens the box and says, ‘Not me. Luc.’

  “So I start crying and nodding, and before I know it, Luc’s on one knee with the ring box, and he says, ‘Mon ange, say you’ll be mine forever, because I will always be yours.’

  “I sat up and we kissed and woke Amelie, and she started fussing while Luc slipped the ring onto my finger, and then we were all hugging and laughing and crying together.” Megan’s eyes shone with tears as she finished her story, just in time for her plate of eggs Benedict to be placed before her.

  Harper got up and gave her a huge hug. “I am so friggin’ happy for you. All four of you. I think I might be the happiest for Elliott. He’s needed a real father for so long. It gives me hope that life really can turn out beautifully.”

  “It can!” Megan said. She paused, smiling at Harper as she watched her return to her seat. “And it will turn out beautifully for you too. I just know it.”

  “God, I hope so,” Harper replied. “But back to you. Have you started making wedding plans?”

  “We have. It’s going to be a lot sooner than you’d expect. Luc’s aunt and uncle are coming in three weeks to meet all of us and we thought we’d do it then. They’re really the only family he’s got. It’s going to be very simple. At home, just family and a few friends. My brother and his wife can come up with the kids then as well. We’re going to have it in the late afternoon out by the pool and then have a caterer serve dinner right after the ceremony. Nothing big. No gifts.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “I think so too. I’ve already done the big wedding and I really don’t want to do it again. Luc has hardly any family, and his friends wouldn’t all be able to come this far anyway.”

  “It’ll be wonderful,” Harper replied, pouring some ketchup next to her hash browns. “Good for you, Megs. Can I do anything to help?”

  “Well, I do want to ask you something important. We’re not having a best man or a maid of honour, but I do need a photographer. And there is no one I’d rather have than you.”

  “What? Seriously? That’s a little intimidating for me. Are you sure you don’t want to hire someone in the industry?”

  “Positive. I love all the photos you’ve taken of us over the years. You’re the one who will be able to capture who we really are. I don’t want a bunch of staged, phony smiles. I want the real moments. And you have an incredible eye. If you need help setting up a few family shots, I can get you started and you’ll just have to press the button. But you won’t need help. You know what you’re doing.”

  “Well, Megan, if my best friends want me to take photos on their wedding day, I will take photos. And it will be an honour.”

  “Yippee! I’m so glad you said yes!” Megan looked elated as she tucked a lock of angel-blond hair behind her ear.

  “Now, have you thought dresses?”

  “I have not. I was hoping you, as my style guru, would guide me in the right direction.”

  “Gladly. I already have about fifty ideas in mind.”

  “I really only need one.”

  “Is that what we’re shopping for this morning?”

  “It is! And I’m going to need your help, since my figure will not be ready yet for anything too fitted by then.”

  “Well, we’re going to have to play up your huge boobs, then.”

  Megan laughed. “I’m thinking Luc will like that, but nothing too showy. We have to remember my son and our other relatives will be there. We don’t want to gross them out.”

  Harper put up a finger. “Got it. Tastefully done boobage.”

  * * *

  Late that afternoon, after shopping and a visit with her dad, Harper stopped at the deli and bought the fixings for a picnic. She had decided to surprise Evan at work, knowing he was in for a long day. She hurried home and put together some sub-style sandwiches, iced teas and donuts she had picked up. After a glance at what she’d prepared, she decided to bring along a kale salad for herself, which she knew Evan wouldn’t eat. She freshened up her makeup and replaced the dress she had worn shopping with a pair of jeans and a cute T-shirt that fit just right. Smiling to herself, she made her way over to the building site. As she pulled up, she could see Evan was alone, and she knew he must have let the crew leave.

  He stopped what he was doing when he saw her pull up, a broad grin crossing his face under his hard hat.

  “Hey, beautiful!” he called as she got out of her dad’s truck. “What brings you here?” He jumped down onto the dirt surrounding the now-framed house and strode over to her, taking off his hat and wiping the sweat from his brow.

  “I thought you might be hungry,” she replied, holding up the bag of food. “I also assumed you’d be missing me terribly by now.”

  He gave her a long kiss. “How do you know me so well after only a few weeks?”

  “You’re a man. Men are not that complicated. You’re either hungry or horny.”

  “And here I thought I was a man of mystery.”

  “No such thing, really. Even James Bond is either looking for food or sex. The espionage just gets in his way most of the time.”

  Evan laughed, taking the bag and leading her over to the house. Setting the bag down, he lifted her onto the raised floor so she wouldn’t have to use the stepladder. Pulling himself up in one quick move, he planted himself next to her. Harper gave him a lingering kiss.

  When she pulled back, he said, “I’m a mess. I’m sure I smell like a locker room.”

  “Not really. You somehow manage to still appeal to me. That’s the real mystery,” she teased, pulling the food and drinks out
of the bag.

  As they ate, Harper told him about Megan’s big news, excitedly describing the proposal and the dress they had picked out. When she had finished, she stared at him for a moment. “Hey, your eyes didn’t glaze over even once when I was telling you all of that. And now that I think of it, you probably don’t care in the slightest about chiffon versus charmeuse.”

  “I was riveted, even though I don’t have the first clue what either of those words means. For reasons that I can’t explain, if you are telling me about it, I want to know every detail.”

  “God, you’re perfect,” she said with a happy sigh. “All thoughtful and caring, wrapped up in that sexy package.”

  “Glad you like my package,” he said, leaning in for a deep kiss.

  “Mmm,” Harper moaned as their lips met. When it was over, Harper took a moment to open her eyes again, returning to reality. “I should go. I promised myself I was just going to feed you and then get out of your way so you can get home earlier.”

  “But now I don’t want to get back to work. I want to go home and get you into the shower with me.”

  “That sounds good. Too bad I can’t help you so you could get home sooner.”

  “Maybe you can.”


  He stood, pulling her up with him and plunking his hard hat onto her head. Grinning as the hat wobbled there, he led her over to his tool box and selected a long level from the top drawer. “Your tool, Madame. You ever used a level before?” he asked.

  “Nope, but it’s long and hard so I’m sure I’ll be good at it,” she answered in a sultry voice.

  Evan’s eyes grew wide and a short bark of laughter escaped him. “You should come to work more often. This is going to be fun. Alright, I was just going to check one last time that all the walls are framed straight and square.”

  Giving a quick nod to show she was back to being serious, she replied. “I don’t know what any of that means, but if you’re teaching me I’m happy to learn.”

  They worked until the sun had almost disappeared. Harper quickly picked up what he needed her to do, and they laughed together when she got confused. He was a patient teacher and showed appreciation for her help, repeatedly insisting that she was saving him a lot of time even though she was sure that in fact she wasn’t. In the end he would only go so far as to admit that even if things weren’t getting done faster, he had never had such a good time at work before.

  * * *

  That night as he fell asleep, Evan realized he had never been happier in his life. Harper was everything he had always wanted in a woman without even knowing it. She was his perfect match and here she was, asleep in his arms, trusting him completely and letting him in. He felt lucky to have her, even if it was just for a little while.


  “I haven’t been here since I was a teenager. I forgot how pretty this lake is.” Harper inhaled the fresh scent of summer mountain air and pine before filling her arms with bags of plastic plates, cups and cutlery. She stared for a moment at the sandy beach that led into the clear blue water while she waited for Evan to unload a large cooler from the flatbed.

  “I love it out here. It’s the perfect spot to host the barbecue,” Evan said as he started toward the picnic shelter. “Say, thanks again for helping me get everything ready for today. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. It’s been pretty fun, actually. I just can’t believe that you normally get all this ready for fifty people by yourself every year.”

  “It’s no big deal, really. It’s my little way of saying thank you for all the long hours they’ve been putting in all summer.”

  The two worked quickly for the next twenty minutes, covering picnic tables with red-and-white checkered tablecloths, stringing some balloons to the shelter and getting the food and drinks set up. Evan had brought a large bin of lawn games for the children who would be joining them and he started setting them up on the grass.

  “You’ve thought of everything,” Harper said as she watched him pin croquet wickets into the ground.

  “Well, it’s a lot more fun for everyone if the kids have something to do.”

  “Lacey’s right. You are a horrible tyrant.”

  “I thought it was awful beast?”

  “Right. That.”

  A little while later, the first of the guests started arriving. Evan greeted them all warmly and introduced Harper to everyone. The pair started the party by handing out Popsicles to the children and cold drinks to the adults. The heat of the day was now peaking, making the refreshments all the more welcome. The kids quickly made their way to the games, giving their parents the opportunity to relax and visit.

  Next, much to the group’s delight, the start of the annual Labour Day Donovan Builders football game was announced. Never one to back down from a challenge, Harper joined in, finding herself on the opposing team to Evan. The first huddle of the game broke up and the teams faced off. Harper’s team started with the ball, which was quickly intercepted by Evan. He weaved in and out of the players, passing the ball to one of his smallest teammates, a boy of about ten. When they neared the end zone, Evan picked him up and carried him in for a touchdown. Cheers and jeers filled the air, and the boy he was holding laughed hysterically and held his hands up in victory.

  “Cheap, Donovan!” Harper called to him. “You’re better than that.”

  “You guys just wish you had thought of it first,” he gloated.

  During the next huddle, Harper told her team to leave Evan to her. As soon as the ball was snapped back to him, Harper charged ahead, hoping to cut him off. Leaning forward, she tried to tackle him, which only made it easier for him to pick her up with his free hand, sling her over his shoulder and run the ball in for a touchdown. He put her down with a celebratory smirk. “Not a chance, Young,” he said, kissing her hard on the mouth. “Nice try, though. I have to admire your spirit.”

  The game continued like this, the two of them flirting their way through each play until Evan’s team claimed victory. When the high-fives and trash talk had ended, most of the players made a beeline to the lake to cool off, while Harper and Evan returned to the picnic shelter to wash up and start dinner. As they walked, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders lazily and pulled her in for a kiss. “That was fun. Let’s get these people fed and out of here. I want you all to myself again.”

  “Mmm, sounds wonderful,” Harper replied as they reluctantly parted ways to start preparing dinner.

  A few minutes later, some of the other women joined Harper, helping to slice open hamburger buns and put out salads.

  “So, Harper, this must be pretty serious if he asked you to help host the Labour Day picnic,” Lacey said.

  “Oh, no, he just asked me to come along because I didn’t have plans today.” Harper gazed over at Evan, who was flipping burgers on the grill. He glanced at her at the same moment, his expression saying how much he wanted her.

  One of the other women at the table caught their exchange. “I don’t know. He seems pretty smitten, if you ask me. You lucky bitch. There’s not a woman in town who’d kick that man out of bed for eating crackers.”

  Lacey gave the woman a light swat on the arm. “Heidi’s just teasing, of course. She’s madly in love with her husband.”

  Heidi nodded. “I am, but that doesn’t mean I would turn down a roll in the hay with his boss.”

  Harper laughed, putting her hand over her mouth. “He is easy on the eyes, isn’t he?”

  Heidi flashed her a knowing smile. “If by that you mean unbelievably hot, no one is going to disagree with you. But even better than that, he’s a really good man.”

  “Agreed. So, Heidi, which one of these lucky guys is your husband?” Harper asked, changing the subject. A distinctly uncomfortable feeling had started to set in on her. Part of her felt as though she wouldn’t be deemed worthy of Evan by these women. But why should she really care what they thought of her? She pushed the thoughts and their accompanying feelings
aside, telling herself it was all in her head.

  * * *

  When the meal had been served and all the guests were seated at the long row of tables, Evan made his way over to the head of the last one and addressed the group. “As you know, I’m not big on speeches, but I thought today I better make an exception. We’ve had an amazing year so far and I owe it to all of you. First, to the families—for understanding and supporting these tired guys. I know they can’t always make it to every Little League game, and that they’ve missed a lot of dinners, especially lately. And I know that’s not easy for any of you. It puts all that extra work on you wives, particularly, and I want you to know that your sacrifice means a lot to me. So, thank you.

  “Second, to the crew—you guys get up at the crack of dawn every day and put in the long hours, which is the reason we aren’t running two months behind all the time. You work hard, you never cut corners and you take pride in what you do, which means that every house we build is one we can be proud of. My reputation as a contractor really comes down to what each of you does every day. It’s the reason we were awarded the Pine Crest development and it’s the reason why when we’re finished, it’s going to be the best place to live in Colorado. And I am grateful to you all. One more thing, and then I promise I’ll go sit down. Everyone gets a paid day off tomorrow.”

  He paused for a moment to let the cheers die down. “So eat up! If you’re not driving, drink up. And have a wonderful extra-long long weekend. You’ve earned it and then some!” He held up his beer to toast them, receiving a round of applause. Picking up his plate, he started toward the empty spot next to Harper.

  Just as Evan sat down, Lacey’s husband, Chad, stood up and cleared his throat. “Well, since it’s open mic, I thought we better say something nice to our illustrious leader.” Chad paused, giving Evan an appreciative smile, before his face shifted into a more serious expression. “I think I speak for everyone when I say I’m proud to work for someone with integrity, someone who cares—not just about the bottom line—but about doing things right, about the people who work for him and the people they love. So here’s to Evan.” He raised his cup and the others joined him.